99.99% Uptime
99.99% Uptime
Always Open
- Uptime means that your website is active and accepting visitors. Just like a physical location. With 99.99% uptime, your website is available for your visitors all the time and you never miss a sale or a lead just because of a server error.
- A company’s uptime records essentially show how often they reach these goals every day through their servers: This metric is important for many aspects of online business, including SEO ranking, online presence management, and customer satisfaction. For this reason alone, it drives companies to strive towards achieving a 99.99% uptime record on their websites with any failed outage lasting less than one-second only accounting for 1%.
Always Open
Uptime means that your website is active and accepting visitors. Just like a physical location. With 99.99% uptime, your website is available for your visitors all the time and you never miss a sale or a lead just because of a server error.
A company’s uptime records essentially show how often they reach these goals every day through their servers: This metric is important for many aspects of online business, including SEO ranking, online presence management, and customer satisfaction. For this reason alone, it drives companies to strive towards achieving a 99.99% uptime record on their websites with any failed outage lasting less than one-second only accounting for 1%.