Daily Backup
Daily Backup
Fail Protection
- All electronics have a life span as our cloud hosting servers. Even though it is almost impossible for cloud hosting to lose data, we still do our daily backup to bring your website back if any unexpected error happens.
Fail Protection
All electronics have a life span as our cloud hosting servers. Even though it is almost impossible for cloud hosting to lose data, we still do our daily backup to bring your website back if any unexpected error happens.
- Backup may look unnecessary but it is only true until you have a system failure or successful attack on your website. In our history, we never had a failure in our system and it is almost impossible for cloud hosting.
- There are millions of attacks on WP sites every day. Our advanced firewall protection practices can easily keep them away from our servers and your website but if you think, even the bank and government websites might get hit sometimes. In this very unlikely situation, we are ready to re-activate your website, just like before right away.
Easy Recovery
Easy Recovery
Backup may look unnecessary but it is only true until you have a system failure or successful attack on your website. In our history, we never had a failure in our system and it is almost impossible for cloud hosting.
There are millions of attacks on WP sites every day. Our advanced firewall protection practices can easily keep them away from our servers and your website but if you think, even the bank and government websites might get hit sometimes. In this very unlikely situation, we are ready to re-activate your website, just like before right away.
and it’s free
- This is a premium service but is offered free with all our plans. All plans come with the last 7-day full backup plan. This means, your website will be backed up every day and the data for the last 7 days will be stored in a safe location. Whenever the new one is saved, the oldest one will be removed.
and it’s free
This is a premium service but is offered free with all our plans. All plans come with the last 7-day full backup plan. This means, your website will be backed up every day and the data for the last 7 days will be stored in a safe location. Whenever the new one is saved, the oldest one will be removed.