We consult, design, and analyze PPC campaigns for our clients. We just do not manage their budget.

Ibrahim Hanoglu, the CEO of DMC, is a firm believer in blockchain technologies. The reason for this is that he is uncomfortable with the current situation in the marketing industry. A large part of the digital marketing industry, especially PPC campaigns, has surrendered to fraud, over 50% in some practices. This fraud includes everyone from ad publishers to ad agencies, directly or indirectly. In other words, in many cases, more than 50% of the advertising budget received from the ad buyer (you) is never used for advertising expenditures, or even if it is used, it becomes a victim of click fraud.

At DMC, we allow our members to manage their own advertising budgets in order to reduce their vulnerability in today’s systems, apart from our research and integration work on blockchain to increase our members’ security and ROI. That way they can control where their ad spends go. Of course, like all other ad buyers, they become victims of click fraud, which the ad publishers (Google – Facebook – etc.) cannot prevent in the current system. For these very reasons, our academic research continues on new marketing methods that make click fraud impossible and use the blockchain infrastructure.

Stay with us for the safest marketing experience with the highest ROI.