Free ADA Compliance Audit

Free ADA compliance audits can be very beneficial for your business to see how accessible your website is. ADA compliance is a legal requirement that companies must comply with when providing goods and services to people with disabilities. Failure to comply with ADA compliance can result in large fines and lawsuits. At Design Media Center we have a team of professionals who perform accessibility audits for your website. Our audits outline the risks your company is exposed to, identify areas of non-compliance and provide recommendations for minimizing those risks.

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Happy Senior Couple Using a Laptop ADA Compliance Page Image

When it comes to the accessibility needs of people with disabilities, accessibility is not just a “nice to have” or a “privilege”. It is a legal and moral obligation. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that people with disabilities have equal access to goods and services. The ADA applies to businesses, government agencies, and institutions such as restaurants, as well as websites and other online properties.
The Washington Post claims that over the past few years, more than 4,000 businesses have been sued for their online properties.

Happy Senior Couple Using a Laptop ADA Compliance Page Image

When it comes to the accessibility needs of people with disabilities, accessibility is not just a “nice to have” or a “privilege”. It is a legal and moral obligation. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that people with disabilities have equal access to goods and services. The ADA applies to businesses, government agencies, and institutions such as restaurants, as well as websites and other online properties.
The Washington Post claims that over the past few years, more than 4,000 businesses have been sued for their online properties.